Your fertility
centre Deutsche Klinik Bad Münder

In the past, involuntary childlessness was an unavoidable fate, but nowadays there are many individual treatment options, depending on the underlying cause. The Deutsche Klinik Bad Münder, near Hanover, specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of the unfulfilled desire to have children. We are here for you if you are unable to conceive naturally.

Hannoversche Straße 24
31848 Bad Münder


Our image film

Initial consultation at the fertility centre

Top expertise for over 35 years

Individual fertility treatments

The Kinderwunschzentrum Deutsche Klinik Bad Münder was founded in 1987, making it one of the very first fertility centres. We are currently one of the largest and most successful centres for fertility treatment in Lower Saxony, which is visited by patients from all over northern Germany.

Our doctors for gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine use their combined expertise to determine the possibilities and chances of fulfilling your desire to have children. You are welcome to make an appointment with us via our online booking system.

Our services

Diagnostics, management, social freezing, add-ons

Our fertility center in Bad Münder am Deister is not only at the cutting edge of reproductive medicine, but also prides itself on providing empathy, compassion and caring support to our patients from the moment you arrive.

The causes of infertility are many and varied. The most common include hormonal disorders, congenital and acquired physical abnormalities. We use targeted diagnostics to identify the root factors. The initial diagnostic workup includes a detailed medical history, laboratory studies, sperm quality analysis and diagnostic imaging to identify possible fallopian tube disorders, if indicated.


Common obstacles to pregnancy, such as impaired egg development and lack of ovulation, can be treated effectively with hormones. Treatment is delivered in the form of tablets or self-administered injections. Artificial IVF and ICSI insemination is preceded by ovarian stimulation for harvesting the required eggs.


With insemination, artificial fertilisation takes place within the uterus. Specially prepared sperm is introduced directly into the uterine cavity via a thin tube. The procedure is used e.g., in case of impaired sperm quality. Insemination can be performed during the natural cycle or following stimulation treatment.


With in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), fertilisation proceeds outside the female body. Eggs and sperm must first be obtained for both procedures. Both procedures require prior harvesting of the eggs and sperm. Eggs are harvested after hormonal stimulation, while sperm are usually obtained by masturbation. In those cases where the latter is not possible, sperm can be obtained directly from the testicles through testicular biopsy (testicular sperm extraction, or TESE).Embryos are implanted 2-5 days after fertilization.


Cryopreservation of eggs and spermmakes it possible to postpone the desire to have children until later. Medical indications include protecting germ cells from chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as from treatments with medications that may be harmful to fertility. Cryopreservation can also be part of IVF or ICSI to avoid the need for renewed harvesting as part of another treatment cycle. Cryopreservation for non-medical reasons, such as lifestyle planning, is called social freezing and is generally not covered by statutory health insurance.


Particularly complex cases may sometimes require additional newer treatment modalities and diagnostic workups to ensure a successful pregnancy.

These include assisted hatching (thinning of the egg cell membrane to promote implantation), blastocyst culture (longer cultivation of embryos), genetic pre-implantation diagnostics/PID (ruling out serious genetic defects in the early embryo). Add-ons are not covered by statutory health insurance and are only performed after fully informed consent.


Transparent workflows & processes

Your path to your own child

Initial consultation

Getting to know each other, taking a history, reviewing current findings, initial examinations.

Personalised treatment plan

Individual selection of fertility treatment procedures, e.g. ovarian stimulation, IVF or ICSI.

Treatment cycle

Start of treatment, e.g. stimulation of egg maturation, retrieval of eggs, introduction of sperm into the uterus, transfer of embryos.

Wait and see

You can test whether you are pregnant about two weeks after a treatment cycle.

Very high success rates

Fertility centre Deutsche Klinik Bad Münder

In recent years, the pregnancy rates per treatment cycle have sometimes been more than 10% above the average according to statistics from the German IVF Register (DIR). Even more important than the pregnancy rate, however, is the so-called ‘baby take-home rate’. This has been more than 30 % at the Fertility Clinic Bad Münder in recent years.

With individual treatment, you too have a real chance of fulfilling your desire to have children. We support you with comprehensive expertise, many years of experience and a high level of sensitivity.

Hannoversche Straße 24
31848 Bad Münder

Mo8.00-13.00 & 14.00-18.00 
Wed8.00-13.00 & 14.00-18.00 
Thu8.00-13.00 & 14.00-18.00 

Individual diagnostics & therapy

Holistic fertility treatment

@Adobe Stock / Blickfang

Unwanted childlessness often leads to great stress in the partnership and the question: ‘Why isn't it working?’ With targeted diagnostics, we can usually answer this question quickly. Due to declining fertility with advancing age, we recommend couples undergo fertility diagnostics if they are not yet pregnant after 12 months of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. For women over the age of 35, this applies after just 6 months.

At the Fertility Centre Bad Münder, specialists in reproductive medicine and gynaecological endocrinology work together with andrology specialists and biologists on an interdisciplinary basis. We will find the causes of your involuntary childlessness and help you with customised fertility treatment. Of course, we also support lesbian couples and single women in fulfilling their desire to have children with donor sperm treatment.

@Adobe Stock / Blickfang

Fertility centre Deutsche Klinik Bad Münder

Specialised doctors

At our fertility clinic in Bad Münder, not far from Hanover, you will be treated by an experienced, interdisciplinary team of doctors:

Dr. med.
Arvind Chandra

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics; gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

Dr. med.
Christina Baßler

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics; gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

Dr. med.
Frauke Kramer

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics; gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

Dr. med.
Arvind Chandra

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics; gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

Dr. med.
Christina Baßler

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics; gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

Dr. med.
Frauke Kramer

Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics; gynaecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

High satisfaction

Voices of patients and couples

At six locations in Germany, we work every day to fulfil people's desire to have children. Here, happy parents talk about their fertility treatment. Find out more here.

‘Our pregnancy was diagnosed two weeks after the first ICSI transfer in Bad Münder. We are totally happy, enjoying the pregnancy (with everything that goes with it...) and are really looking forward to our offspring...’

‘Our findings were initially a mystery - ‘idiopathic’ infertility, i.e. without any recognisable cause... and in the end our daughter was born eleven days after ET.’

‘Our little miracle is now almost 3 years old. We are currently (2024) back with Dr Kundu, because we don't want our son to remain an only child.’

‘Dr Mebes gave me great support throughout the whole time... I am glad that I dared to become a mother on my own not only once, but also a second time.’

‘We felt comfortable in the practice from start to finish. All the doctors and medical assistants were super kind, patient and empathetic.’

Frequently asked questions & answers about fertility treatment

Does the fertility centre also treat lesbian couples and single women?

Yes, we offer these patients treatment with donor sperm. To this end, we cooperate with various sperm banks and also attach great importance to providing detailed information on the special features of this form of fertility treatment. You can find more information on this topic here.

When should I see a medical specialist?

As fertility decreases with age, we recommend that couples contact us if they have not become pregnant after a year of regular sexual intercourse during their fertile days. For women over 35, this recommendation applies after 6 months. If you don't know exactly when the right time to get pregnant is, you can find more information here.

What does fertility treatment at the Deutsche Klinik Bad Münder cost?

The specific costs are influenced by the extent of the diagnosis, the treatment procedure, the number of treatment cycles, the add-ons used and whether the costs are covered by health insurance. For heterosexual, married couples before the age of 40 (women) or 50 (men), statutory health insurance companies may grant a 50% subsidy. Hormone treatments are generally covered in full. Subsidies must generally be applied for before treatment.

For insemination at the fertility clinic in Bad Münder, you can expect to pay around €300. An insemination with stimulation treatment costs around €1,000, a treatment cycle with IVF around €3,000 and an ICSI around €4,000. The actual costs may differ from these estimates. You can find more information on cost coverage and costs here.

How long does fertility treatment take?

A treatment cycle with IVF or ICSI usually takes 4-6 weeks. However, this period can be extended if cost coverage needs to be clarified or additional diagnostics are required. In any case, you will receive a detailed treatment plan from us with all upcoming appointments.

Can I still have fertility treatment when I am over 40?

Yes, at the Fertility Clinic Bad Münder we treat many women in this age group. If you would still like to get pregnant at this age, you should have a non-binding consultation with a specialist as soon as possible to find out about the opportunities and risks of fertility treatment in your situation. We are here for you.

You can find us here

Our locations in Germany

amedes clinics for fertility treatments can be found throughout Germany. If you want to find out more about the services at each location, simply click on the interactive map.


Fertility Center Hamburg

Speersort 4,
20095 Hamburg,

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Fertility centre Hamburg Barkhof

Mönckebergstraße 10
(6. floor, entrance Passage Barkhof)
20095 Hamburg

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Fertility centre Hanover

Theaterstraße 15
30159 Hanover

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Fertility centre Dortmund

Olpe 19
44135 Dortmund

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Fertility centre Cologne

Schönhauser Str. 3
50968 Cologne (Bayenthal)

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Fertility centre Trier

Max-Planck-Straße 15
54296 Trier

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Bad Münder

Fertility centre Deutsche Klinik Bad Münder

Hannoversche Straße 24
31848 Bad Münder

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Fertility centre Siegen

Hermelsbacher Weg 41
57072 Siegen

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Fertility centre Wuppertal

Hofaue 93
42103 Wuppertal

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